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The Long Corridor

Catherine Cookson / Anne Dover
To outsiders Dr Paul Higgins' life appeared to be happy and contented. Everyone had a good word for him and his home life appeared to be ideal. At 36 Bett Higgins could still pass for a much younger woman not just in looks but in the way she loved the company of people half her age. A grand couple some might say. But once the surgery was closed and the curtains drawn the façade that Paul and Bett Higgins presented to the world concealed a welter of hate and ill-conceived bitterness that had grown worse with the passing years. Between them stood the barrier of the past - of secrets that each had long kept close. Unable to forgive each other they led their separate lives - until Bett decided to allow her spite and resentment to culminate in revenge on the husband she did not love. . .

  • Published by Story Sound
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre Family Saga
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 1st August 2024
  • Duration 08 Hrs. 15 Mins.
  • ISBN 9781399134071